

The world has always been a difficult place to live, and if you are fortunate enough to have all of your essential needs met (i.e. food, water, shelter, clothing and safety), you find yourself in a very blessed situation.

It might be 2021, but many still live in total poverty and darkness, being denied even the most basic human rights and necessities.

We want to acknowledge our position of privilege, and provide support to charities which are close to our hearts that directly assist people and animals in need.

Please choose from the following charities for your donation:

Your donation goes directly toward educating and feeding school children in Rishikesh, India. In addition to what they normally do, they are also providing meals to the local community who have been overlooked by the government in this time of nationwide lockdown.

This small but powerful collective in Goa educates and supports children and their families in the area. In the quarantine period they have significantly increased their operations (but not their staff!) and worked tirelessly to feed many unsupported families and individuals all across the North Goa region. A small donation can feed a child for a week!

Providing humane support and care for the often tortured street dogs in Nepal, your kind donation allows Sneha and her team to continue caring for these uncared for, and abused animals.

Give so others can live

You can make a difference

These worthy charities need your support!